Dodge Ram 2002-2008: How to Change Engine Oil

Changing the oil is an important part of maintaining your truck. It's also one of the easiest things to do once you know how to do it.

By Jared Hammond - July 15, 2015

This article applies to the Dodge Ram (2002-2008).

Engine oil is what keeps all the moving parts in your engine running smoothly. Changing the engine oil is one of the most routine maintenance procedures for any vehicle, and over the lifetime of your truck, you could save thousands of dollars just by learning how to change the oil yourself. According to Dodge your truck can go 8,000 miles before it needs another oil change. Before you begin, you'll need to decide whether you want regular engine oil or synthetic. Synthetic oil can improve engine performance and fuel efficiency and can last longer between oil changes, but it costs nearly twice as much as conventional oil.

Materials Needed

  • Seven to eight quarts of 5W-20 engine oil
  • Replacement oil filter
  • Funnel
  • Filter wrench
  • Ratchet w/ 13mm socket
  • Drain pan
  • Clean cloth


Before you begin, make sure that the engine has had a few hours to cool; otherwise, the oil will be very hot.

Step 1 – Drain the old oil

Look for the oil drain plug underneath the engine and place your drain pan underneath it. Use your 13mm socket to remove the plug. Be ready for a steady stream of oil that will come out and make sure your drain pan is ready to catch it, otherwise it will splash everywhere. Wait a few minutes for the oil to completely drain then wipe off the plug and the socket and return the plug to the socket. Be sure not to over-tighten the drain plug.

Figure 1. Draining the oil.

Step 2 – Change the oil filter

Relocate your drain pan under the oil filter. Get your filter wrench around the oil filter and twist it clockwise to loosen it. Some more oil will pour out of it when you remove it, so be ready to catch it. Let the oil drain out from the filter socket then check the socket to make sure the gasket and o-ring from the old filter isn't stuck to the socket.

Figure 2. Oil filter.

Step 3 – Install new oil filter

Lubricate the o-ring on the new filter with some engine oil then pour oil into the filter. This will eliminate any air trapped inside the filter. Next, carefully hand tighten it to the filter socket on your engine. Give it a couple turns with the filter wrench, but don't over-tighten it.

Figure 3. Lubricate the o-ring.

Step 4 – Pour in new oil

Open the hood of your truck and unscrew the oil fill cap. Put your funnel over the fill tube so the oil doesn't spill into your engine compartment. Pour in between 6 and 6 1/2 quarts of oil. Screw on the fill cap and run the engine for a few minutes. Pull out the dipstick and check the oil levels in your engine. The Dodge Ram needs a little less than seven quarts, so add a little more if necessary.

Figure 4. Oil fill cap.

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