Dodge Ram 2009-Present: How to Install Factory Fog Lights

Low shining lights help you to see the foggy road ahead, while still adding a touch of coolness to your truck.

By Jerry Perez - August 4, 2015

This article applies to the 4th generation Dodge Ram (2009-Present).

Fog lights add an extra level of lighting to your truck, which help you illuminate a different section of the road you are driving on. Funny enough, while fog lights will somewhat add lighting in foggy conditions, they aren't necessarily "fog-specific" lights. Installing fog lights to your Dodge Ram will require your truck's front bumper to have pre-existing fog light mounting points and cut-outs. If your Ram doesn't have these, make sure you install them before proceeding with this step-by-step DIY job. Remember that you can always visit the dealer or accessories shop to have this installed professionally.

Materials Needed

  • Ratchet and extension
  • 8 and 10mm sockets

Step 1 – Disconnect battery

Since you will be working with an electrical component, make sure to use an 8mm socket and ratchet to disconnect the negative (black) battery terminal before starting this installation. This will make sure all electrical components are safe to work with.

Figure 1. Disconnect the negative battery terminal (red arrow).

Step 2 – Install fog lights

With the battery disconnected, it's time to mount the new fog light hardware into the front bumper. Make sure you handle these carefully to avoid dropping and damaging the lights. Depending on the ride height and ground clearance of your Dodge Ram, you may or may not need to jack up your truck to install them. Start by removing the factory plastic covers from the bumper, and then insert each fog light housing into the bumper. Use a 10mm socket and ratchet to fasten the three bolts of each fog light housing to secure it to the bumper mounts.

  • Figure 2. Fog light cut-out in the bumper.
  • Figure 3. Mounting bolt locations for the fog light housing.

(Related Article: How to Jack Up Your Truck -

Step 3 – Wire fog lights

If your Dodge Ram has already been pre-wired for fog lights, all you have to do is plug in the fog lights to the existing wire harness and you are ready to go. If you don't have the an existing wire harness for fog lights, follow your kit's instructions on how to properly wire the lights. Make sure you run the wiring away from any moving parts that might cause them to get damaged. Run the fog lights wires from the relay (included in the fog light kit) to the fuse box, and then to the switch and the battery for power. Don't forget to reconnect the battery before testing the lights.

Figure 4. Fog light wiring diagram.

Featured Video: Fog Light Removal and Installation

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